Making plugins with Jquery  

by ne on 2021-09-29 under Javascript

Following is a simple jquery based plugin template

(function($) {
        $.extend({  // adding our plugin to jquery 
            myPlugin: function(elem, command, args) {
                // now iterate through the elements collection and do your operations, then return this, for chaining purpose.
                return elem.each(function(index){
                    // do your operations here.					
        $.fn.extend({   // so that we can use $("body").myPlugin('operation1');
            myPlugin: function(command) {
                return $.myPlugin($(this), command,, 1));
        $.myPlugin.props = {   // basic properties of our plugin
            key1: "value1",
            key2: "value2"
        $.myPlugin.methods = { // functions related to plugin
            fun1: function(param) {
                /*  do work */
            fun2: function() {
                /*  do work */